When is it time to quit practicing law? Learn the answer in this article.

By the time many attorneys get out of law school, they are so tired and burned out after years of high pressure that they have already given up. They want to collect a paycheck and start working and living their lives—on their terms. Some attorneys talk about “going in-house” and other low-stress jobs before they even start their jobs with large law firms. Attorneys on the fast track, feeling helpless and unfulfilled, find themselves asking “What’s the point?” Incredibly, more and more attorneys are giving up when the race has just begun—sometimes before they can even get to the starting block.



Most of the world is not made up of large law firms. If you care about other peoples’ problems and finding a way to solve them, the last thing you should be doing is plotting your escape from practicing law a few months (or even years) after working in a large law firm. Instead, you should be plotting how to find a better environment for your skills. There are many people who are ideal for the legal profession, regardless of where they work. These people should never quit. Saying you want to quit practicing law because you do not like working for a large law firm is like saying you never want another friend because your best friend was mean to you. An insane theory—but that is exactly what many good attorneys do after having a bad experience in one law firm.