Portable Business Articles | BCGSearch.com

Articles about Portable Business

83 articles

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How to Prepare Outstanding Cover Letters

Some attorneys do not appreciate the importance of cover letters. They assume their resume will be what “sells” the....

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Senior Associates - How to Make Oneself More Marketable to Law Firms

Are you considering a move as a senior associate? How can you make yourself more marketable to law firms? Follow these ....

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Taking Time Off from Practicing Law: How Will It Impact Your Future Marketability?

Practicing law is hard work. The hours are unpredictable, the clients can be demanding, and the push to partnership can ....

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Important Questions Attorneys Need to Ask Themselves Before Searching for a New Law Firm Position

For the World’s Largest Collection of Law Firm Interview Resources Click HereEveryday I talk with attorneys seeking to....

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Are There Lateral Opportunities for a Non-equity Tax Partner without Portable Business?

Question:I am a Non-Equity Tax Partner at a large law firm and am considering a lateral law firm move, however I do not ....

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How Should I Estimate My Portable Business?

Question: I am a partner who is looking to move to another firm. Can you provide some basic guidance as to how I should ....

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How Does the Law Firm Recruiting Process Work for Partners?

Making the decision whether to move, and if so to where, is one of the most crucial decisions a partner has to make duri....

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