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BCG Attorney Search Reviews

537 reviews mean that attorneys love BCG!

I can't thank my Chicago recruiter enough for her assistance in my transition. They clearly had information about the firms which was more than that publicly available. It made a difficult process for me considerably less so.


Chicago, IL

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My recruiter was nice, responsive, and she gave good advice. It is good to have an advocate in the process, a third party that can speak for you.


University of Pennsylvania Law School, Class Of 2012

Placed at Cleary Gottlieb Steen & Hamilton LLP

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When I contacted my recruiter in Chicago I said that I wasn't even sure if I wanted to stay in the law. My recruiter was very understanding. There was no coercion, but my recruiter said this is what I have on the table at the moment, these are the firms and this is what they are like. They pointed out that it didn't have to be as it was at my previous firm. My recruiter was very familiar with the Chicago market, and they knew lots of information about the firms that were suggested to me. The pace was pretty fast, all in all, about 3 weeks from discussion to offer. Ultimately, I took an offer and, at the 6 month point, it's exactly as it was described.


Chicago, IL

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Following my initial consultation with my recruiter in Chicago, they came back to me with an extensive list of firms who were looking for someone with my level of experience. All were very suitable, several impressive and some outstanding.


Chicago, IL

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My legal placement professional was terrific! She was very on top of the industry and had a lot of great experience. She seemed to really be in touch and knew all of the jobs that were out there looking. She communicated with the firm and me and it was a nice collaboration and to be able to rely on her to communicate with the firms directly. Having BCG and my legal placement professional gave me a go-to resource for all my questions. I was looking for a very specific job in a specific geographic location and your database seemed to be able to readily identify what was available in the market. It was straight forward from there and then my legal placement professional would reach out to gauge if there was an interest. It made my job search and approach very efficient. I would give my legal placement professional the highest marks in every category.Q. Where would we rank amongst other recruiting company's?A. I worked with one other smaller recruiting firm but it seemed like your resources and the articles and the network was helpful. During these crazy pandemic times, it was great to rely on BCG's network so if we hadn't heard from a particular firm she could reach out to her colleagues and figure out where the firm was at - if there was a hiring freeze, are they still recruiting, etc. That was very helpful and insightful!


Boston University School of Law, Class Of 2018

Placed at Morrison & Foerster

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I am so grateful for your assistance throughout these past couple of months. I really have enjoyed working with you and very much appreciate your efforts.


Washington, DC

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My favorite thing about BCG was the summary sheets I got every week. Those helped me keep track of what was going on verses other recruiters that would say "I am applying to this position" and I would never hear back about it either way, and in some cases, I am not sure that they ever applied. This is my second time working with Becca and I have the confidence to know that the work was getting done and I didn't need to fret over every detail with her.

Placed at Leason Ellis LLP

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[My favorite thing about working with BCG & my legal placement professional were] the list of opportunities that I was provided with your connections and know how in the industry. There were extra opportunities that I was missing in my personal search. Opportunities were delivered to me weekly. I also had someone who could direct me and review my essays, cover letter, resume and things like that she was particularly helpful with. These were particularly strange times to be looking for a position with COVID and she helped navigate the search very well and it all worked out.

Placed at Phillips, Spallas & Angstadt LLP

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Sarah, in particular, was very knowledgeable and helpful. She was also very very positive. She helped pump me up before interviews and decipher if I liked the law firm after interviews. Those were the key things. [BCG] is unique in the sense that other recruiters I have worked with don't presumptively apply to law firms. You guys applied to 80 or 90 law firms on my behalf, even if there weren't postings which ended up being what got me a job in the end. Q. Where would we rank amongst other recruiting company's? A. Definitely top, out of 5- top 2! Sarah was really really great and probably the best recruiter I have ever worked with.


George Washington University Law School, Class Of 2017

Placed at Benesch, Friedlander, Coplan & Aronoff LLP

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The cover letter, that the people I was working with drafted, I thought it was very thoughtful, and I appreciate the level of detail. Another thing I certainly appreciated during my experience working with BCG, is the amount of applications that the recruiter had been sending out on a daily basis. The volume of work that was done to help me secure position, definitely appreciated. It was easier because it took all of the leg work out of the equation for me, and to not have to research listings. To actually go through the process of submitting a formal application can be obviously very time consuming. Also had someone who could help me negotiate compensation packages, be the middleman, and take the awkwardness involved out of the situation in a very seamless, almost effortless experience for me. On a scale of zero to 10, I'd probably put it at 8.5, because prior to working with BCG, I did speak with several other recruiting agencies, and in the beginning, they would be very active and follow up timely, then very quickly the relationship would disintegrate and then I would never hear from them, so I guess compared to that, I would give it at at least an 8.5.


Benjamin N. Cardozo School of Law, Class Of 2020

Placed at Brown Rudnick LLP

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