How to Answer the “Tell Me About Yourself” Interview Question

When you are going into an interview, the interviewer already knows a lot about you from your resume (where you went to school and where you are working, for example). All interview questions are designed to determine five things:


  1. Can you do the job?
  2. Do you want the job?
  3. Will you fit in?
  4. Can law firms manage you?
  5. Will you stay at the job long term?

The “tell me about yourself” interview question is a fantastic opportunity for interviewees to solidify their qualifications.

The interviewer is not looking for your life story. You need to keep the interviewer’s attention. Your answers should generally relate to your professional accomplishments and interest in the opportunity. You should always take special care to avoid making your answers too personal. You need to understand the job and its requirements and tailor your answers to this.

1. Can You Do the Job?

In my career, I have seen numerous attorneys who looked good on paper. However, when I asked them to “Tell me about yourself” it was clear they could not do the job. The “tell me about yourself” interview question is intended to see if you are psychologically, physically and emotionally capable of doing the job. You need to show that you are a good fit.

How to Answer the “Tell Me About Yourself” Interview Question
I interviewed a person to work in a warehouse carrying heavy boxes of paper. When asked to talk about himself, he launched into a long story about how he had just recovered from back surgery. Does this sound like the sort of person who could do the job?