Regulatory Law is the body of statutes, regulations, and cases that protect citizens from various types of hazards, ailments, or crimes.

Activities can be configured to protect citizens from health, economic, or safety risks. They should provide the necessary data and proof to regulatory agencies, who ultimately decide whether the citizen in question should be subjected to specific measures.

Administrative Law, essentially, deals with the laws that govern the activities of government administrative agencies, which concern themselves with government and public policy.

Administrative Law provides a forum for the citizens' complaints and grievances to be redressed relatively and impartially.

Administrative Law also permits the citizens to challenge the actions of the government's executive agencies in a forum where the officials' decisions are subject to judicial review.

Regulatory Law refers to the power of administrative agencies to make and enforce rulesor regulationsrelated to government agencies' legal obligations. These legally-binding regulations usually increase the protections afforded to citizens and businesses.

Also known as administrative Law, regulatory laws can include everything from rulemaking to adjudication and enforcement. In other words, administrative laws often relate to functions akin to all three branches of government (i.e., legislative, judicial, and executive). Still, all of them flow from agencies considered to be a part of the executive branch.

To demonstrate how regulatory Law is often like three branches of government in one, consider how administrative laws usually come into being: First, an agency uses public input during the process, which constitutes the legislative aspect.

Next, the agency issues a proposal based on the public input, which constitutes the adjudicatory (or judicial) aspect. Then the agency evaluates those suggestions and makes changes as needed. This is the executive aspect. Finally, the final rule is issued to the community.

Administrative Law often deals with various regulations and legal cases each year. Defending against administrative law claims is one of the fastest-growing areas of Law today.

As a business professional, you will encounter administrative law issues at some point in your career.
  1. The legislature creates the executive branch agency to enforce a set of laws.
  2. Under the statute, the administrative agency is authorized to enact regulations and rules for enforcing the mandates. This is a legislative rulemaking authority delegated, in part, to the agency by the legislature.
  3. An agency is a governmental organization (civilian or military) responsible for enforcing laws enacted by Congress. They are typically accountable for matters of public safety and national security.
The relevant laws governing the agency may also contain the agency's hearing procedures when deciding issues of their jurisdiction. These procedures are not unlike the trial procedures of the judicial branch.

Administrative Law is a branch of Law that involves executive and judicial decision-making. It grants government agencies power to regulate private individuals and businesses' activities to achieve specific public policy goals.

Agencies Created Under an Act of Congress Which do Not Include an Executive Branch

Congress has created several tribunals beyond the two branches. These tribunals have varying levels of independence from the executive and legislative branches and serve functions such as reviewing an agency decision, military courts-martial appeal courts, administrative hearings, or judicial branch appeals court judges.

Despite their controversial nature, Article I tribunals often exist as a valuable means of resolving disputes that are often outside the particular expertise of the court system. The Supreme Court has generally supported their existence but has held that the decisions of these tribunals must be limited to their designated areas of expertise. When a potential deprivation of life, liberty, or property is at stake, their decisions will generally be subject to review by a court.