Deciding to buy or rent a piece of property is a big step and one that shouldn't be made lightly. In addition to the apparent tangible aspects such as the cost of purchasing, the monthly payments, the property tax you must pay, and the insurance that is required, you should also be aware of certain intangible/incorporeal aspects of real property, which include rights, interests, and benefits that are legally considered to be a part of the property, such as rights to drill in the ground beneath it, the right to live on the property for a specific timeframe, or the right to acquire the property in the future, and more.

Real estate is a complicated field, and the legal implications seem almost endless. Real estate attorneys are well acquainted with some aspects of the area, including purchasing and selling rights in real property, settling claims against property rights, property development, and zoning and land use.

Additional functions performed by real estate attorneys include assisting families in court when their homes are threatened by foreclosure and ensuring that the rights of mortgage lenders, tenants, and property owners are protected under the law. The complexity of real estate makes it essential to work with a skilled real estate attorney when dealing with these matters.