Expert Legal Recruiters for Attorneys & Lawyers | BCG Attorney Search

BCG Attorney Search Review

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What where some of your favorite things about working with BCG and Harrisons' Team?

The fact that it was mostly automated. I would be asked to approve firms and approve jobs that my credentials would be sent to. This was mostly done electronically which I found very convenient.

How did working with us make you job search easier?

BCG did all the leg work. BCG found the job openings and reported them to me so all I had to do was approve the opening. It saved me time from having to go through individual law firm websites.

Where would we rank amongst other recruiting company's?

BCG was the best. I did work with a couple other recruiter's and from my personal observation they had less access to job openings. I heard much more from BCG than I did from the other recruiters. The other recruiters tended to not be automated and I would get a phone call to discuss it in real time which often wasn't convenient and we ended up playing phone tag a lot. BCG was the best because of the volume of openings that BCG was able to get access to and because of the convenient nature of the interaction.

Lawrence Hoff

Western Michigan University (WMU) Cooley Law School, Class Of 2018

Placed at Fox Rothschild LLP.

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