Rosen & Schneider, LLC Ranking |

Rosen & Schneider, LLC

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About Rosen & Schneider, LLC

A Message from the Managing Partner

Welcome to our firm. Our story begins more than four and a half decades ago in San Francisco, when Stu Gordon and Don Rees put aside their rival allegiances to Cal and Stanford to create a law firm dedicated to providing outstanding client service, and based upon an internal culture of hard work, responsiveness, and camaraderie. In 2014, the firm's name expanded to "Gordon Rees Scully Mansukhani, LLP" in order to recognize and honor the significant roles played by partners Miles Scully and Roger Mansukhani in contributing to our meteoric growth over the past decade.

In 2019, Gordon & Rees became the first and only law firm in the nation's history to open offices in all 50 states. It now stands as the 24th largest firm in the United States comprising more than 1,000 lawyers and over 50 different practice and industry groups in more than 65 national offices located throughout the country. However, despite this exceptionally rapid expansion, we have nonetheless maintained our excellent culture as well as a keenly focused commitment to client service throughout.

When I first joined Gordon & Rees as a summer clerk in 1987, I was immediately taken by the fact that the firm's commitment to professionalism was balanced with an equally ardent commitment to a collaborative work environment, and that the rendition of superior legal services could be performed in a supportive atmosphere of collegiality and mutual respect.

A lot has changed in the legal and business worlds since Stu and Don first began practicing law together in 1974. But what will always remain a constant is our focus on our clients, our people, and our commitment to professional excellence. On behalf of all the dedicated and talented legal professionals and staff at Gordon Rees Scully Mansukhani, I thank you for your support and confidence in our firm, and look forward to providing consistently outstanding legal services for many years to come.

Total Offices: 1

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