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  • I just have to say that I am impressed with how prolific you are with the articles that you write for your website. You write so many articles! And each one has so much substance to it and is really in depth and provides great advice. And I am not saying this to get a testimonial on the website. I just had to write because I was so impressed.
    I find the legal market extremely vexing and you put that into words extremely well. Thanks. Jeff Cohen
  • I stumbled across a couple of your blog posts about business development. I found them to be extremely helpful, insightful, and a bit terrifying (in the way they should be). As someone working to build a practice, I truly appreciate you taking the time to write on the subject. Thanks and best regards, Ryan Clinton
  • Hi Harrison. I get your emails and regularly read your articles. You have some very good insights into the legal profession that aren't often voiced. I appreciate the effort they take. -Public Company General Counsel
  • Enjoy your written product very much -- fascinating articles. Reed Rubinstein
  • Harrison Barnes you're a genius. Who writes your articles? They're so right on! I've been reading your work of art for so long I can't remember when I started. Practicing for over 25 years your words are gospel to lawyers. Thank you and keep it up. Michele M. Volpe Bershtein, Volpe & McKeon P.C.

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