Women Lawyers and Marketing

The New Rules of Law Firm Marketing

Old marketing ways are no longer effective which is a golden opportunity for women.

Rule 1: Credibility marketing gets you visibility but direct marketing gets you the business. Credibility marketing involves speaking (seminars, conferences, etc.) and writing (articles, newsletters, white papers, etc.). These tools at one time actually brought in clients. Today they only get you the visibility so that you can be effective in your direct marketing. The best credibility activities are geared to business and industry groups, not civic, community or legal groups.

Direct marketing involves networking at meetings like industry groups (e.g. Indiana Bankers Association, the National Association of Real Estate Investment Trusts or NAREIT, and the Securities Industry Association), visit to meet with clients or prospects, and formal bidding contests. These are the activities that actually get you the business. Rarely does the credibility activity do so unless you are the first in your market to be visible for an area such as some firms were with Y2K a few years ago.