Becoming a Mother: Continuing to Care For Your Other Baby...Your Career

Not surprisingly, I approached law school in the same manner - although it was a humbling experience to get the first ''C'' in my entire life. My dedication to excelling in school paid off. My grades improved, and I landed the big firm ''dream'' job that paid $125,000 a year to first-year associates. I had achieved all that I set out to achieve.

While I did practice law, I ultimately found the profession wasn't right for me. Thankfully, I quickly landed in the right profession as a legal recruiter helping fellow attorneys. Some attorneys who make the switch to recruiting think it's an ''easy'' job with significantly better work hours. But to be an outstanding recruiter, it takes the same level of focus and work ethic that you put into your legal career. I worked most nights until 8 pm, sometimes 9 or even 10, bringing work home, and working weekends.

Eventually I got married, and then pregnant. Throughout the pregnancy, I maintained a solid work ethic. I exercised nearly every day, even doing pilates three times a week until my due date. While my husband and I were on the hospital tour at 7 pm, I was checking my blackberry and working. He got angry with me and told me to leave the ''Wall Street'' work ethic at the office. I was 8 months pregnant and showed no signs of slowing down. In fact, when my labor started, I was emailing people to let them know I would be ''unavailable.''